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來(lái)源:http://m.yiyuannz.com   發(fā)布時(shí)間:2024-08-08      


In this era of information explosion, every video is competing for users' attention. To capture the audience's attention and gain countless likes and followers, it is necessary to comprehensively control all stages of video production, release, and promotion. Today, let's gather video accounts together to analyze the small tips that make videos ride the waves!


Video Number Recommendation

社交推薦社交推薦其實(shí)就是視頻號會(huì )根據用戶(hù)的好友發(fā)布、點(diǎn)贊、關(guān)注、評論、轉發(fā)等行為,為用戶(hù)優(yōu)先推薦相關(guān)視頻。

Social recommendation is actually a process where video accounts prioritize recommending relevant videos to users based on their friend posts, likes, follows, comments, shares, and other behaviors.

個(gè)性化定位推薦基于微信社交生態(tài),每個(gè)用戶(hù)都會(huì )被打上多元化標簽,包括性別、年齡、職業(yè)、興趣、城市等。根據個(gè)人的標簽屬性,從海量?jì)热輲熘衅ヅ溆脩?hù)可能喜歡的內容進(jìn)行推薦。


Personalized positioning recommendation is based on the WeChat social ecosystem, where each user is labeled with diverse tags including gender, age, occupation, interests, city, etc. Based on personal tag attributes, match and recommend content that users may like from a massive content library.


Search recommendations

微信搜一搜進(jìn)行關(guān)鍵詞搜索,對于一些視頻點(diǎn)贊評論不錯的視頻,會(huì )被優(yōu)先推薦。

Search for keywords on WeChat and prioritize recommending videos with good likes and comments.

賽馬機制賽馬機制是指當視頻數據與同類(lèi)型視頻數據比較好的情況下,系統會(huì )將此視頻推送到下一個(gè)流量池,如果數據還在持續增長(cháng)的話(huà),就會(huì )進(jìn)入更大的流量池。

The horse racing mechanism refers to the system pushing a video to the next traffic pool when the video data is better than similar video data. If the data continues to grow, it will enter a larger traffic pool.


Recommendation of publishing time: Publishing works also requires finding the right timing, selecting the appropriate time based on the peak usage period of platform users. It is generally recommended to publish works during the following three time periods: 1. 8:00 am is the peak time for advertising exposure in the morning, which is during the peak working hours. 2. 12:00 noon is the highest point of advertising exposure during the noon time period, which is during lunchtime. 3. 10:00 pm is the peak time for advertising exposure throughout the day, which falls after work and before bedtime.


Promotion channels

朋友圈推廣利用個(gè)人及團隊成員的朋友圈資源,分享視頻鏈接至私域流量中。確保文案吸引人,附帶話(huà)題標簽或@相關(guān)好友增加可見(jiàn)度。選擇朋友圈活躍時(shí)段發(fā)布,如早晚高峰,利用熟人社交網(wǎng)絡(luò )的傳播效應,帶動(dòng)初始觀(guān)看與互動(dòng)。

Utilize personal and team members' social media resources to promote and share video links into private domain traffic. Ensure that the copy is attractive and add topic tags or @ related friends to increase visibility. Choose an active time slot in your social circle to post, such as the morning and evening rush hour, and utilize the dissemination effect of acquaintances' social networks to drive initial viewing and interaction.


Join the community promotion and establish connections with communities that match the video content positioning, share videos in a timely manner, or collaborate with group owners for promotion. Provide community exclusive benefits or advance viewing privileges to stimulate the enthusiasm and dissemination willingness of community members.


Comment section promotion


Leave valuable opinions or questions in the comment section of popular videos of the same type, and attach your own video link to attract potential viewers to click. Maintain sincere and in-depth comments, avoid direct hard advertising, use high-quality comments to resonate, and naturally guide traffic.


Other platforms promote cross platform synchronous release of videos to Tiktok, Station B, Weibo, etc., and expand coverage by taking advantage of the unique functions and user base of each platform. Adjust video format and promotional copy according to user preferences on different platforms, and implement inter platform linkage activities.


By deeply understanding the rules of the video account platform, carefully planning the release time, and adopting diversified channels for promotion, the probability of popular videos can be significantly increased. During implementation, it is important to maintain flexibility and continuously adjust strategies based on actual feedback to achieve optimal promotion results.

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